Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Scenes of sexual tension

Twenty days since my last entry already?
Days come and days go, time slips by silently and quickly, like a mouse through the grass.
I don't know, I'm so busy these days. This is good and also bad. I come home late, often tired, drained of enthusiasm for tap-tap-tapping away at the computer, much less work up a desire for smutty talk. Not that there's anything to report in that area, anyway.

But don't give up on me, dear reader! The mojo will return, of that I have little doubt.
In the meantime talk amongst yourselves and I'll leave you to ponder this here picture (click to enlarge) which amuses and fascinates me strangely.
No idea who these people are, or what exactly is going on here, but, unless I'm reading it wrong, it's a scene cut through with a wonderfully awkward sexual tension. A comi-tragic one at that. What do you make of it? What do you think is going on?

Some observations to take note of:

* I think it's more than safe to say that it's his room we're looking at: a room that doesn't see too many female visitors either, at that.

*Yet here they sit, albeit stiffly, perched on the edge of the bed, with closed body language: who are those two women? What are they to him? Relatives? Daughter's of his parents' friends? They look dressed for a night out, he does not, particularly.

* But he has a wet patch on the bottom of his jeans, so he has been outside.

*Can't be arsed to shift your carcass all the way to the fridge and back for beery goodness? No problem! Just stick a box of lager on it's end in your room, tear open and help yourself!

*Is that "Lite" beer?

* Oh, look at him, the poor sod. He doesn't know what to do with himself.

* He looks mortified, in fact. Has his sense of decor let him down, perhaps?

*All those game consoles!

*Those books stacked up on the dresser - all study/text books?

* Okay, so he likes puerile, third division cartoon comedy, and I know he thought it might brighten the room up a little bit, but the Family Guy poster: ARGH!

*Okay, the bed. Dear god almighty, the bed. I mean, if you're going to get one thing right... The mix-n-don't-match, shabby bed clothes in three vile colours - it's making me feel uncomfortable so no wonder the three of them look like they want to be elsewhere.

*The next day he goes to his mate: "Know what? After this picture was taken? Those two girls? They totally lezzed up. [gulps Lite lager] Tellin' yer, man - right there on my frickin' bed, dude!"

*The poor bastard's got no chance here.

* Did I mention the Hooters t-shirt? Good, because that would just be kicking a man when he's down, really. Y'know?

I sneer, but why do I find this tableau so recognisable?