Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Look who got out of the wrong side of bed this morning...

St. Valentine's Day then is it? In that case it's the left hand tonight. How fucking magical.

I'm in a bad mood. I've got every right to be after crawling through this miserable, cunting nightmare of a shitshow of a day. Jesus.

And as for all you red hot lovers out there with your fucking dead flowers and your nasty, acidic champagne, gurgling and cooing over each other in some over-priced restaurant you would normally run a mile from:


I'll probably delete this tommorrow.

Postscript: the day kinda ended okay, actually. One of my friends actually took my damn call and I ended up going over there and getting laughing drunk watching crap on the TV. Which was alright.


Blogger Dielo said...

You're a sweetheart. I was just having "one of those days" < /understatement> that just happened to coincide with sodding Valentine's Day, and then to top it all coming home to an empty flat... argh!

15 February, 2006  

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