What a fine piece of work is Wikipedia; a veritable treasure trove of wonders and knowledge, possibly doing more for the advancement of human understanding than anything since the invention of the public library.
Not only that but, this being the interweb and what-not, it's a lot less stuffy, a lot more quirky than the Encyclopaedia Britannica. For instance the page on semen has been illustrated by a photograph of some nameless reader's jism (labelled: "Human semen. Self-made image") which he had spunked up onto the wall, then snapped it as it oozed down the rather horrible wallpaper. Nice work, fella!
Interesting to remind ourselves of the ingredients of semen, as helpfully listed on the site:
Not only that but, this being the interweb and what-not, it's a lot less stuffy, a lot more quirky than the Encyclopaedia Britannica. For instance the page on semen has been illustrated by a photograph of some nameless reader's jism (labelled: "Human semen. Self-made image") which he had spunked up onto the wall, then snapped it as it oozed down the rather horrible wallpaper. Nice work, fella!
Interesting to remind ourselves of the ingredients of semen, as helpfully listed on the site:
Mammalian semen is a whitish, milky fluid, very viscous, containing water and small amounts of salt, vitamin D, protein, and fructose.Now wait a minute... fructose? As in the stuff cereal manufacturers list on ingredients when hoping to disguise the fact that their 'healthy' product is in fact 40% sugar? As well as also appearing as a key ingredient in shampoos and conditioners, in particular the L@b0r@t0ir3s G@rn1er Fr^ct1$ Fortifying Shampoo and Conditioner (a reviewer of which notes: "To look at, the conditioner is white in colour, almost a silky white in colour, and fairly thick in texture, although slightly runny (ever so slightly though!)." which, having read about the above, couldn't help but make me pause for thought).
A greater constrast with the previous post could not be imagined. Ew is right.
You made me laugh anyway.
This may explain why the girls in the shampoo advertisements are happy and smiling. Perhaps the photographer allowed them to use his personal shampoo dispenser.
And unless I am mistaken, this is a sexblog. So what's with the Ew?
IMHO, that wallpaper never looked better.
Does the pause mean that you will use your semen when you'll ran out of shampoo? O_o .............
...............Just kidding ^-^
lol! Yes, but this is why girls who swallow have such pretty skin!
Does the pause mean that you will use your semen when you'll ran out of shampoo?
I was thinking I could bottle it and sell to women for the variety of it's uses: it'll soften and give their hair a glossy sheen if used as a shampoo; they can have it for breakfast; yeah, hair gel a la Cameron D; and if recent news stories are to be believed, it's also a mild mood enhancer: when ingested its properties give women an actual boost of happy!
Problem is, how can I sell it if I can't even give it away? :(
Can't help but love the image of some spunk on the wall, and do indeed love the thoroughness of Wikapedia in all its modern glory. ANd I do also have a soft spot for the fact that you were looking it up!
xx sabine
give it away to me...I'll take it. ;-)
and all I can think about is I wonder what that guy was thinking about right before he shot that load!
You do know what shampoo and semen have in common, don't you? Get it in your eyes and it burns like holy hell!
You know, orchidea, that raises a very interesting point. If prostitution were legalized in the U.S., the activities of sex workers would be subject to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Act. End result: all those enterprising ladies who would be required to wear safety goggles while on the job.
Prostitution is legal in Switzerland, but I haven't seen any ladies in goggles, except on the ski slopes. I wonder if they do it there? I shall have to keep my eyes peeled next time. I might learn something! ;)
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